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X Dimensional Intelligence

We care about earth

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About X Dimensional Intelligence

We specialize in digitizing multi-dimensional objects in many industries by means of advanced scanning technology and intelligent 3D time series data management. Our Large Object Model (LOM) enabled us to combine arbitrary objects into a composition fit for a particular purpose by applying our generative KI models.

  • Document and digitize 3D objects without huge hardware investments - just use your a current mobile device!
  • Get amazing and industry grade accuracy in the sub millimeter level and rich textures based on our photo-laser interpolation technology.
  • Leverage our embedded data abstraction model to extract value from your LOMs and CAD models.
  • Supercharge your compliance and documentation efforts while reducing cost and staff.
  • Manage the life cycle of your machine park or fleet and develop optimized maintenance strategies.

The RAID Model

Discover our approach to Rapid Acquisition, Inspection and Documentation.


Time constraints are a major factor in many industries. Whenever procedures that are necessary for compliance and safety, such as mandatory aircraft inspections, there can be no compromise on quality or rigor, even when the time runs out.

Efficient processes supported by the right degree of advanced technology can ensure that the planes will not be grounded on account of delays or lengthy information gathering.


Capturing data is a non-trivial exercise, especially in industries where speed, cost and safety are of preemindent importance. In many industries such as aviation or medicine, the paper and hand-written texts are still exceedingly common in certain situations, typically "in the field".

There is an urgent need for a technology that enables not only mobility but also a new level of completeness and A.I. readiness, such as advanced 3D-scanning technology.


In the field of machine learning, the most notable recent advances have been in text and image processing. However, we are only at the beginning of the development enabling scalable analysis of multi-dimensional objects.

With XDI technology, it will be possible to capture and analyze 3-D objects for the purpose of compliance with safety and security inspections.

XDI is developing the technology for analyzing these new data artifacts and building collections to further expand the range of possible insights.


The great thing about successful digitization is that the process through which the information is gathered can be automatically logged to create useful and compliant documentation. In high-risk inspection situations where a mistake can be potentially catastrophic, it is of critical importance to be able to have the available data to retrace the steps, analyse the possible shortcomings and verify implemented improvements.

Now Open for Collaboration Bids

We have received a European grant to build new models, fine-tune our technology and continue work on our dta abstraction. If your needs match our capabilities, are invited to co-invest into the next level of object documentation and digitization to be the first in line when new hardware becomes available.

Contact us

We are located in Vienna, Austria and Boston, MA.
Write to info@xdi.earth.